A framework for tools, professional development, and resources for Career and Technical Education teachers to understand and incorporate elements of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).
CTE does fit into the CCSS picture, and here is a place to start finding out how!

MCCE is partnering with ACTE to create and provide online training for the CORE process:
- More information at ACTE
- Pilot program: Earn Credit at UCM
- Pilot program: Enrollment Instructions
- Enrollment for Undergraduate Credit
- Enrollment for Graduate Credit

The Concentrating on Reality Education professional development workshop starts with local CTE curriculum and walks teachers through the C.O.R.E. process. As teachers work through the process, they develop an understanding of the Common Core State Standards and where their CTE curriculum matches up to the standards, as well as how to enhance existing curricular activities to further support the Standards. To learn more, contact info@mcce.org.
Interested in hosting or attending a professional development session?
Attended a session?
Send Your Key Questions

- C.O.R.E. Planning Tool
- C.O.R.E. Planning Tool - Electronic Form
- CCSS Bloom's Taxonomy Table for English Language Arts
- CCSS Bloom's Taxonomy Table for Mathematics
- CCSS Conceptual Categories for Math Grades 9-12
- CCSS English Language Arts Anchor Standards Summaries
- English Language Arts Glossary
- Mathematics Glossary
Please Note: The glossary and other documents are a work in progress. If you have recommendations to improve these documents, please send them to info@mcce.org.
Please Note: The glossary and other documents are a work in progress. If you have recommendations to improve these documents, please send them to info@mcce.org.
Developed by the Missouri Center for Career Education with the support of
Kathi Whitman, In Credible English®(www.incredibleenglish.com)